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发布者:发布日期:2017-01-03 来源: 返回



几年后,公司开始生产加工完整的离合器。1932年,Valeo公司列入巴黎交易所名单中。之后,公司进行了一系列的收购,在西班牙和意大利拓展了业务并修建多个生产基地,在汽车零部件的现代化进程中扮演了关键性的角色。通过收购Sofica,公司成为了Usines Chausson的股东,为其整合第三项核心业务——热控制系统奠定了基础。接下来的收购又使该公司迈入电气和电子领域。1987年,公司开始实施全面的国际拓展计划。通过对Neiman的收购,Valeo成功赢得了安全系统的业务并加强了其刮水器和照明系统产品的发展。随后对ITT Industries’的收购,又使其奠定了在电子领域的地位。在这个时期,Valeo又将其非战略性产品(制动衬面、打火器)卖掉,并朝全面质量管理的方向迈进。从2001年开始,Valeo公司开始启动提高财政成果和加强技术革新的战略。

主要产品包括起动-停止系统、交流发电机、离合器、“Themis”、“LaneVue ”以及相关的技术支持服务等。




Valeo is a multinational automotive supplier basedin France, providing a wide range of products to auto manufacturers andafter-markets. It is a member of the CAC 40 share index.

The SociétéAnonyme Française de Ferodo was founded in 1923 in Saint-Ouen, asuburb of Paris. It first distributed brake linings and clutchfacings under license of Ferodo UK. The society engaged in adiversification in the 1960s by producing braking systems (1961), thermal systems(1962), and lighting systems (1970), and electrical systems (1978). In May1980, the company was renamed Valeo, which means "I am well" inLatin.

Valeothen engaged in an aggressive strategy of expansion, through many internationalacquisitions. Today, Valeo is organised into four business groups. Recentacquisitions include the engine electronics division of JohnsonControls in France.

The company's sales in China have doubled every four years, and the new plantopened in 2013 in Yangtze Delta Region, Nanjing, makes China the leading marketfor Valeo.